Hi Everyone! OMG it's the last episode! In this episode we move to Florida and go to Rehab, investigate ourselves, and learn a lot about zippers.
You can find Kyle Munzenrieder's hilarious description of the "The Ten Distinct States That Make Up Florida" in the Miami New Times by clicking here.
If you've enjoyed the podcast, you can support us in the following ways!
1) Consider joining or donating to the National Marrow Donor Program at www.bethematch.org. We should note that, right now, gay men (i.e., men who have had sex with other men in the last five years) are ineligible to join the registry. If you'd like to see this policy changed, you can sign the petition at www.bonemarrowpetition.org.
2) Please support the musicians who generously donated their music to the podcast! You can find PROM DATE's album, Portraits at www.promdatemusic.com. Also, if you are in Chicago on 5/1 or Memphis on 5/3, make sure you catch Prom Date on Tour this week! Head to their web site for more info. You can find SCOTT JAMES' album, Destinesia, at www.scottjamesmusic.com. Scott is also performing this Friday, 5/1, 6pm, at Rockwood Music Hall in New York City.
3) If you'd like to directly support SERIAL DATER, first and foremost, make sure you share, tweet, and reblog about us on all the platforms! You can find us on Facebook, Twitter and Tumblr! If you'd like to kick us a few bucks to help with production costs and to encourage future podcasting, click here or on the Donate link at the top of the page.
There are still tickets to voice-of-the-dates Adam Enright's show, 2SCOOPS at Joe's Pub on Monday, June 8th at 9:30pm. Click here for tickets, and follow 2SCOOPS on Twitter.